Here at Operation Hope of Fairfield, we are deeply fortunate to have many helping hands advance our mission of ending hunger and homelessness in our community. One set of those helping hands belongs to Fairfield resident Lauren Caiati. Lauren has been a volunteer with Operation Hope for many years, as have her daughters. When we had an immediate need to fill the scheduling of the dinners for our Community Kitchen, Lauren jumped in and kept the meals coming for many months, and especially during the pandemic. Our Community Kitchen guests were fed and cared for during one of the most challenging times in recent history, and Lauren had a big role in making that happen. She has also served as a volunteer contact for many organizations who’ve helped us during the pandemic. Lauren jumps in when needed and without question. Her dedication as a volunteer is unparalleled and we will be forever grateful to her for getting us through some of the darker times we faced together as a community. Thank you, Lauren!