Our Amazon Food Pantry Wish List makes it quick and easy for you to help feed and care for our neighbors in need from the comfort of your home! In just seconds, click, donate and help someone in need: http://bit.ly/oh-amazon-pantry-wish-list. And if our choices are out of stock or won’t come in for another month, feel free to choose other brands or similar items. Or even donate directly to us at http://bit.ly/oh-donate

🙏🏽Our gratitude to these recent generous donors: the O’Hare family, Barbara Lisi, Laraine Petersen, the Creatore family, Alison Foito, Steven Parmelee, and anonymous friends. 

🙏🏽Help us stock our shelves to feed and care for our neighbors in need🙏🏽

❤️Thank you from the bottom of our heart❤️