Last Saturday, two friends, Emily Dunne and Brooke Paster, RAN A MARATHON to benefit Operation Hope! Planning to run the Newport Marathon as their second marathon together, the cancellation of it was devastating to Emily and Brooke so they decided to create their own special event, bringing together many people at a safe distance, while helping others who are struggling through this pandemic.
Despite the cold, rainy day, 135 of Emily and Brooke’s friends and families came out to support the runners. It was incredible! They were located all along the marathon course, which ran all along the beaches. Eight runners joined them along the route, running six feet apart for different legs of the race, and they really helped motivate Emily and Brooke to keep moving. All eight runners donated to Operation Hope and most of Emily and Brooke’s fans did, too! Emily and Brooke were thrilled at being able to complete their second marathon as well raise close to $5,000 for Operation Hope! Congratulations, ladies!
Our most heartfelt thanks goes to Emily, Brooke and their families and friends. We are deeply grateful for everyone who came together to make a big difference and help us care for our neighbors in need in a bold and inspiring way.