Operation Hope is looking ahead to finding and securing a location that can consolidate our programs into one facility. We are hopeful this funding will be awarded to help us move forward, but we know this will be a process in terms of identifying a property, raising additional funds and all that will go into preparing to move. Please read details here.
We are thankful to our Fairfield legislative delegation – State Senator Tony Hwang, State Representatives Cristin McCarthy VaheyLaura Devlin and Jennifer Leeper, as well as Governor Ned Lamont for their support.
The full cost of this initiative is not known at this time. Unlike the good fortune our colleagues in Bridgeport or Norwalk have experienced, it’s unlikely someone in Fairfield will donate a building to our organization So we will incur the expenses related to acquiring a property plus renovations and improvements. We are taking a conservative approach, keeping our clients’ needs in mind. Our goal is to stabilize our organization so it will be able to serve this community well into the future.
We look forward to working with the community over the next year or two to make this a reality so we can continue to serve our neighbors in need.