We rely heavily on donations and volunteers, and are always deeply grateful for the help. $0.95 of each dollar we raise is used to serve our clients. There is not much left for what we need to run our organization. For the first time, we are struggling to feed our guests who will be served a meal in our Community Kitchen on Thanksgiving Day. Would you consider donating an item or two to help round out our meal? Please drop off items at 50 Nichols St, Fairfield on either November 23 between 9:30am-4:30pm (we will reheat for serving on Thursday) or on Thanksgiving Day (November 24) between 10am-12pm (bring heated, if possible). Please contact Volunteer Coordinator Michelle Stearns at [email protected] ASAP if you can contribute any of these items. Thank you.
- 15 lb cooked & sliced ham (1 needed)
- Mashed Potatoes (1 tray needed to serve 15 people)
- Vegetables/Any Type (3 trays needed to serve 15 people per tray)
- Butternut Squash (2 trays needed to serve 15 people per tray)
- Green Bean Casserole (3 trays needed to serve 15 people per tray)
- Mac & Cheese (4 trays needed to serve 15 people per tray)
- Centerpieces (6)
We wish you and yours a blessed and bountiful Thanksgiving.