Our programs have a significant impact on both individual lives and the community in which we are based. The impact on program participants is seen in the improvement in the quality of their lives and the lives of their children.
“Tom and Mary are a young couple who own their own home in Bridgeport and live with their 3 small children. Both Tom and Mary work full-time and have a good history with making on time payments and do not have any arrearage with their mortgage company, utilities or creditors. Mary and Tom recently had a baby and Mary needed to stay out of work one month longer than planned due to medical necessity. With only Tom working and Mary not able to go back as planned, they were anticipating not being able to cover the full cost of their mortgage for the month of May. All savings had been depleted during Mary’s maternity leave and they did not have family that were able to help. Through a referral to our food pantry we met Tom and Mary and heard their story. Further assessment revealed they qualified to receive Prevention Pilot funds. OH paid the mortgage for the month of May as well as developed a working budget that included pantry until Mary was scheduled to go back to work at the end of the month. Now, not only has the family avoided crisis but they are still on track to re-finance their mortgage at the end of June!”
“I look forward to every week when you come, I really appreciate everything you do for me, you really motivate me. God Bless You.”
“Dear Operation Hope, I would like to take this time to send a very emotional thank you to everyone who has helped me and my children through a very difficult time in our lives. My family and I were going through a complicated period where we had to pack up everything that meant the world to us, stuff it in storage, and become practically homeless. Operation Hope took us in and helped us get back on our feet. Living in a room that actually fit my hyper children and I, we learned to appreciate each other more, understand each other better, and we learned it doesn’t take a lot to make us happy. We have grown with each other the past few months and developed an immense relationship with the staff of Operation Hope. Now that we are blessed with a new home, we realized that it was well worth the wait. Now my children can have a stable home to grow up in and where we can be the great family that we are. We are grateful that we are able to spend our Christmas in a new home, in a new town, and with gratitude in our hearts. We are truly grateful beyond what words can speak . . . Thank you again from the very depths of our hearts.”
“Now I can say that all the work I have done has finally paid off. My time has come to move on. I want to thank all of the staff that worked with me, and gave me hope. I’ll never forget any of you. Thank you all.”
“Operation Hope helped me to hang in there and see that change is good, face my fears, I’m stable and I deserve this. They didn’t just leave me out in the cold, and they always make sure you’re ready before they let you go. Thank you Operation Hope for your support. And, thank you to the staff, for validating my successes.”
636 Old Post Road
Fairfield, CT 06824
[email protected]
Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm
(donations accepted until 4:30pm)
Please do not leave donations at the door when the office is closed.
- Monday, Wednesday & Friday:
10:00am - 12:00pm - Thursday: 4:00pm - 6:00pm
50 Nichols Street
Fairfield, CT 06824
Meals served Monday - Friday:
- Lunch: 11:30am - 1:00pm
- Dinner: 5:30pm - 6:30pm