If you’re stocking up on your pantry basics, please take a moment to help our neighbors in need. Our most pressing needs are cash, checks and grocery store gifts cards, which allow us to purchase fresh produce, dairy and meat for our clients. Regular sized items (not bulk) appreciated as we are putting together bags for clients to pick up curbside. Drop off at our pantry M-F, 9am-5pm at 636 Old Post Road. Or simply shop our Amazon Wish List and send the donation directly to us at bit.ly/oh-amazon-pantry-wish-list. And, monetary donations are always welcome so we can purchase exactly what we need for our clients, click here to donate. Thank you!
-Paper towels
-Cleaning products and Lysol spray
-Hand sanitizer
-Sheld-stable (boxed) milk
-Canned green beans, peas, corn & carrots
-Canned fruit
-Mayonnaise, ketchup & salad dressing
-Flour, sugar & oil
-Gravy & stuffing
-Muffin mix