Here in Fairfield, we’re a week into summer, where schools are closed. This means families who rely on school breakfast and lunch throughout the school year can really struggle to provide these extra meals for their children. Food pantry donations are even more critical during this time, to ensure our clients’ children are fed. Please consider donating a bag or two of non-perishable groceries, we accept donations at 636 Old Post Rd, M-F, 9am-5pm. Below is a list of our most needed items. Thank you!
-Shelf-stable juice
-Jelly & honey
-Ground coffee
-Canned fruit
-Clam chowder
-Peanut butter
-Pasta sauce
-Rice – brown & white
-Pancake mix & syrup
-Sugar, flour & oil
-Canned tuna
-Deodorant & body wash (regular size)