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Fairfield County’s Growing Housing Crisis: Virtual
January 31, 2022 @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am

Although strides have been made to house the chronically homeless during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are serious obstacles to continuing this work across our state and Fairfield county. Join Opening Doors Fairfield County, the area’s collective impact organization of more than 150 stakeholders working to end homelessness, to learn about the current housing crisis and legislative priorities. Register now at https://bit.ly/ODFC2022.
Schedule of events
- Welcome and Introductions
- ODFC Advocacy Task Force
- Lived Experience Perspective
- The State of Homelessness in CT
- Data on Affordable Housing Unit Shortage in Fairfield County
- Legislative Priorities
- Challenges, Crisis, and Call-to-Action for Fairfield County
- Breakout Discussion Groups – Hear from local leaders in the field of homelessness and learn about the unique challenges facing specific locations. Please choose your preference when you sign up.
Bridgeport: Discussion led by Bridgeport YMCA, Recovery Network of Programs, New Reach, Operation Hope
Danbury: Discussion led by Association of Religious Communities, Catholic Charities of Fairfield County, Pacific House
Stamford: Discussion led by Inspirica, Pacific House
Norwalk: Discussion led by Open Doors, Homes with Hope, Family & Children’s Agency