Dear friend,
In these unprecedented times we face together, we are reminded of how fortunate we are to be part of a caring and giving community. The health and safety of our staff, volunteers, family and neighbors is our top priority. Like you and many other businesses and nonprofits, we are taking steps to address Coronavirus (COVID-19). Operation Hope understands that in times of crisis, the community relies on us to help. Based on current guidelines, as long as we are allowed to stay open, and until further notice we are:
- Serving lunch (11:30am-1:00pm) and dinner (5:30-6:30pm) Monday through Friday in our Community Kitchen, 50 Nichols Street, Fairfield
- Operating our Food Pantry Monday, Wednesday and Friday (10:00am-12:00pm) and Thursdays (4:00-6:00pm) at 636 Old Post Road
- Meeting our vulnerable clients’ needs through flex schedules followed by our Homeless Response Center and housing/social work teams
- Working with the Town of Fairfield’s Bigelow Center for Senior Activities and Human & Social Services Department to ensure our homebound residents have food and basic necessities
- Initiating stringent cleaning and health protocols to keep clients, volunteers, staff and the community at large safe from the spread of the virus.
We are grateful to those who have donated food and cleaning supplies, and want to remind you that cleaning supplies are in short supply. We hope those who have extra disinfectant cleaners/wipes, Lysol and toilet paper would be willing to share as these supplies would be most appreciated. Bagged lunches and cooked meals, Stop & Shop gift cards and cash donations are also important to keep us running at this time. To make bagged lunches and cooked meals, please contact Donna Schmidt, Volunteer Program Manager at [email protected]. Thank you.
Please visit www.fairfieldct.org/covid19 and the CDC to stay up to date on the latest news and safety precautions. Be safe, stay healthy and take care of yourself and one another. Together, we can weather any crisis.
Carla Miklos
Executive Director