Our Annual Town-Wide Tag Sale just took place on Saturday, July 23. A hot and steamy day but perfect for selling treasures to help raise funds for Operation Hope! We’d like to extend our deepest thanks to our Tag Sale Chairs Trudi Durrell and Rob Greenbaum, Tag Sale hosts, volunteers and staff for ensuring the event was a success. As with our other events, the Tag Sale helps sustain our neighbors in need and our operations throughout the year. It is one of the live fundraising events we host annually to support our organization.
17 Tag Sales were scattered around Fairfield and Southport, featuring all sorts of items, including toys, clothing, books, art, furniture, housewares, exercise equipment and more. This was a great opportunity to reduce, recycle and reuse – for a good cause. Thank you to our hosts for graciously opening their homes and hearts to help our neighbors in need. A few of the hosts’ children even offered lemonade, water, ice pops and cookies to help raise money for Operation Hope. We love our littlest volunteers and when the whole family is involved in helping friends in need.
Thank you to our shoppers from all over, to our volunteers and staff who staffed a table at Operation Hope for anyone with questions, to Lori Scala and Trinity Solar for their continued community partnership (see here to discover how you can save money AND raise money with Trinity Solar) and to last year’s Tag Sale Chair Andrew McKinnis for providing guidance throughout the process. This was the second year of the new model of the Tag Sale, one where friends host sales at their homes instead of having a single location hosted at First Church and Operation Hope. The Tag Sale continues to evolve and we are grateful for everyone granting us the opportunity to change with the times.
Finally, our most heartfelt appreciation to our Chairs Trudi Durrell and Rob Greenbaum. Longtime supporters of Operation Hope, there was nobody better than this dream team to make the Tag Sale a success.
We look forward to seeing you next year and wish you a happy rest of your summer!