As we say goodbye to 2020, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the resilience and support of our community, and how those two things have sustained Operation Hope’s ability to keep helping our neighbors in need. Without your help in this uniquely challenging year, we would not have been able to respond to the uptick in all emergency-related programs – a 38% increase in pantry use, a 32% increase in meals served, and a surge in numbers of callers looking for shelter and housing. Ahead of us is a watershed of evictions and foreclosures, putting more people at risk of homelessness. It’s only going to get harder before it gets easier.
Our staff quickly adapted and rose to the challenge of the pandemic, demonstrating how important our programs and services are to this community more than ever this year. I deeply value and recognize their efforts to ensure someone would always be present to help a struggling neighbor.
We rely on support from our community – it takes a village, and we are grateful that our village is full of well-meaning and generous souls. Thank you to so many who have helped. Your support of Operation Hope will ensure that we can continue to fight hunger and homelessness locally, now and into 2021. We truly believe better days are ahead but our need remains and grows. Please click here to help.
Wishing you good health and happiness in 2021!