Join in the fun this summer by doing something that will make a difference for families and individuals struggling in our community. Operation Hope’s “Summer of Fun” is a month-long series of events designed for adults and children to help end hunger and homelessness here at home, culminating with an outdoor bash held at the Scandinavian Club on August 12:
Town-Wide Tag Sale, August 7 and 8: After a year’s hiatus due to the pandemic, we are thrilled to bring back our Tag Sale this summer! While the Tag Sale will look a bit different this year, rest assured you are guaranteed to recycle your own treasures or find some new treasures. Rather than locating the Tag Sale at First Church, we are asking friends to host tag sales in their own yards and garages around the Town of Fairfield that weekend. Hosts needed, applications due July 22. Click here for host info and to apply. Shoppers from all over will come to Operation Hope at 636 Old Post Road on the days of the Tag Sale, 9am-5pm, rain or shine, to receive the location list. Our beloved “Finer Things” tables will be located in the parking lot for additional shopping. The first 100 people will be treated to an Operation Hope reusable shopping bag. Operation Hope volunteers will be on hand to answer questions.
Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt: Calling all kids! Through July 23, families are encouraged to participate in a grocery store scavenger hunt to help stock our pantry and feed our neighbors in need. Purchase the ten items on our grocery list here, drop them off at Operation Hope and win a prize! Details, including the shopping list and drop off info, here.
Summer of Hope Beach Party, August 12: Hawaiian shirts optional! Join us at the Scandinavian Club, 6-9pm, to celebrate the summer and and support Operation Hope. Enjoy live music by Band Central, pizza from Fire Engine Pizza Co. and more, beer, wine and raffles. Tickets $100/person, click here to purchase. We are grateful for the support of our generous event donors: Band Central Fund, Denise Walsh & Partners, and Love Where You Live Homes, as well as in-kind sponsor Benchmark Senior Living at Sturges Ridge of Fairfield.
“Summer of Hope is a great way for the community to support Operation Hope and have fun,” Carla Miklos, Executive Director, Operation Hope. “With the COVID-19 pandemic, even more of our families are struggling and the need for social services outpaces the supply. The pandemic has drastically impacted how we operate, especially how we raise funds for Operation Hope. Financial support from donors is greatly needed to sustain our operations, and particularly in times of crisis. We hope the community will rally around this new approach to supporting us this summer and beyond.”
“We are thrilled to have the opportunity to gather in person, as the pandemic put our premier fundraising event, Evening of Hope, on hiatus for two years,” said Darrin Fodor, Summer of Hope Chair. “Summer of Hope offers friends of all ages the opportunity to make a real difference for those in need in our community. We are grateful to share a share a commitment with the many businesses and individuals who support Summer of Hope that no one in our community should be hungry and that everyone in our community should have supportive relationships, hope for the future and a place to call home.”